My Wheat-Free Diet Book

After years of eating a wheat-free diet and truly living a wheat-free lifestyle I decided to write a little book that provides more comprehensive information than I have on my blog.

I just recently published as an Amazon kindle eBook my first book titled:  Wheat-Free Diet:  The Complete Wheat Free Foods, Lists and Recipes Guide Book.

I actually started writing this book a few years ago but with the busyness of life, it got put aside. I recently decided to get it finished, very much because friends and acquaintances were constantly asking me how to eat a wheat-free diet.

This eBoook is based on my own personal journey and is a work of love. It skips the nitty gritty boring details because without a scientific background I personally don’t tend to remember them. However it still required countless hours of investigative research to make sure all the information is factual and correct.

It is an introductory work on my part spoken in a clear and concise manner that relates everything you need to know to start substituting your regular diet with wheat-free foods as well as the benefits of cutting wheat from your daily diet plan. It will greatly help any person who thinks they may have an issue with wheat based foods and are trying to figure out how to eat a wheat-free diet.

I hope this book finds an audience of people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle and all the benefits that go along with that.

I invite you to judge my work and determine for yourself whether or not this guide helps you along your own journey to a wheat-free lifestyle.

Although I am committed to continually updating my blog and researching the latest information on wheat-free foods, my book goes into more detail and provides a great resource for anyone wanting to substitute the regular foods you love with wheat-free alternatives.

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you think of my book!

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