Wheat Free Diet Guide

Welcome to WheatFreeDietGuide.com

My journey to eating a wheat-free diet began some twenty years ago when I was eighteen years old. I was having all kinds of different health problems and searching for answers.

Two of my most prominent concerns at that time were major stomach pains and a complete and total lack of energy. I remember being doubled over in pain and being so tired during the day that I could barely lift my arm. At eighteen years old I was truly feeling rough.

I started to notice that when I didn’t eat I would feel better. Although hungry I would feel more alive and be able to function. I started skipping lunches so that I could make it through the day. However I love food and not one to starve myself I had to eventually eat.  Once I ate, I would feel tired and suffer from tremendous stomach pain once again.

After a series of food allergy tests done by a naturopath, I learned that I had a strong intolerance to wheat.

At that time alternative options were not as well known or advertised as they are today. I started eating rice cakes instead of bread, and totally eliminated foods such as pasta, pizza, and baking from my diet. As you can imagine I was not happy and half the time I felt like I was starving.

After a couple of years I began to find more wheat-free food options, but I had a long road of eating what I can only describe as the most boring diet you can imagine.

The good news was that I started to feel better. After years of suffering that was enough to keep me plugging along.

Now almost twenty years later eating wheat-free is simply a part of my life and I have found alternatives to all the foods that I love.

It can be a difficult process to eat a wheat-free diet if you do not know where to look for alternatives.

The reason for this blog is to share what I have learned along my journey of eating wheat-free and  to help and support others who have a wheat intolerance as I do.

Eating a wheat-free diet does not have to mean deprivation. Believe it or not, all of the foods pictured at the top of this page are made without wheat.  With the right substitutes your diet can be as easy and delicious as you are used to with the added benefit of great health.

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