
First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting my Wheat Free Diet Guide website.  Chances are if you have found me then you have either been told or have a suspicion that you may have an intolerance or allergy to wheat.  Whether you are dealing with some health issues or would simply like to have better health in general, I appreciate that you are looking for answers and possibly a little help.

Hi, my name is Rachel and I welcome you to the wheat-free diet lifestyle.  Please feel free to browse around and if you find that you have any questions that are left unanswered, do not hesitate to ask or share your thoughts with me about eating wheat-free foods.

My journey to eating a wheat-free diet began at the age of eighteen when I was having all kinds of different health problems and searching for answers.  I remember being doubled over in pain and being so tired during the day that I could barely lift my arm.

I started to notice that when I did not eat I would feel better. I started skipping lunches so that I could make it through the day and noticed that when I did eat I would get tired and suffer from tremendous stomach pain once again.

I eventually learned that I had a strong intolerance to wheat.  At that time alternative food options were not as well known or advertised as they are today. I started eating rice cakes instead of bread, and totally eliminated foods such as pasta, pizza, and baking from my diet. As you can imagine I was not happy and half the time I felt like I was starving.

I eventually found more wheat-free food options, but I had a long road of eating what I can only describe as the most boring diet you can imagine.

Moving forward a couple of decades, with a certificate in Holistic Nutrition I have made health and nutrition a lifestyle choice and eating a wheat-free diet is simply a part of my daily life.  Over the years I have learned how to substitute and find alternatives so that I am able to enjoy all of the foods that I love.

I am not a doctor and I do not pretend to understand all the scientific facts.  However I do understand how foods make me feel and I have no problem sharing my personal journey as well as my opinions.  I have just recently published a book about eating wheat-free foods that goes into much greater detail than my blog.  Please check it out, the title is:
Wheat Free Diet:  The Easy to Follow Wheat-Free Daily Diet Book with 10 Simple Recipes.

To your health!

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